How the idea of KEEPERBALL was born
It is no secret that many matches in modern footballare often played at a slow pace and most of the time spectators simply watch the players slowly pass the ball to each other, and the goalkeepers "get bored" at the goal. All this sharply reduces the entertainment of the game, increases the number of so-called "run-of-the-mill" matches, which do not arouse the interest of fans. It is no coincidence that in football circles, including at the official level, various options for football reforms are being discussed, designed to increase the intensity and entertainment of the game.

The most interesting thing in football is the goals for which the game itself is played. After all, it is no coincidence that penalty shoot-outs are especially popular among spectators, the role of which is steadily increasing in modern football. EURO2020 is a striking example of this. In four playoff games, including a dramatic and super-spectacular finals, the winner was determined in a penalty shootout.
Therefore, the idea was born to try to modify the rules so that the main indicator of the game was performance. The confrontation between defense and attack, field players and goalkeepers, goalkeepers and field players dueling during a football match and when taking penalties are always the culmination of the game and arouse the greatest interest of the fans.
The Football Land Foundation proposes a new format of football — KeeperBall, inwhich the role of goalkeepers has been greatly increased, enhancing the spectacle of attacking team actions and the game as a whole by limiting team time possession of the ball and considering only "net" playing time while reducing the overall duration of the match.
Keeperball rules

Basic Principles

1.The increase in the intensity of the game is achieved by:

— time limits for team possession of the ball

(including standard positions);

— introduction of the concept of "pure playing time";

— reducing the size of the playing field;

— reducing the number of players on the field.

2. Increasing the effectiveness of the game and increasing the role of the goalkeeper is achieved through:

— increasing the pace of the game and its attacking character;

— the introduction of mandatory penalty shootouts to determine the final result of the game;

— introduction of a rule for setting off the difference between goals scored and conceded in the game when a penalty shootout is hit.

Provisions not included in the rules below (including violations, warnings, deletions, and others) are in line with the FIFA rules for big football.

Game rules

Number of football players — 10×10 (9 field + goalkeeper)

in the team’s application — up to 16 players

Number of substitutions per match — 4 + 1 forced

The fifth substitution is allowed as a forced substitution (due to a player’s injury)

Field size ~ 67−77 m x 64−75 m *

* Subject to standard soccer field

** In case the available field is less than the standard one, the length of the playing field is determined by the actual distance between the end lines of the penalty areas, and the width — by the actual side lines

The length of a standard football field is limited by the end lines of the penalty areas, which are reduced by ~ 33 m. (16.5 m on each side)

Goal size — 5×2 m

* the goals are installed on the end lines of the penalty areas of a standard football field

Distance from goal to penalty spot — 8 m

Ball size — standard 5

ball circumference 68−70 cm

Match time — 30 min* (2 halves x 15 min.)

* "pure" playing time

"pure" playing time is the time when the ball is in motion within the playing field

The time when the ball is in the hands of the goalkeeper, or set for kick outs, penalties and corners — does not count

Limiting team possession of the ball — no more than 30 seconds in their own half of the field, no more than 90 seconds in the opponent’s half of the field

Time limit when performing standard actions:

— kick-off by the goalkeeper

— kick-in

The time for the goalkeeper to take the ball into play is no more than 5 seconds from the moment the ball is in the hands of a field player or the goalkeeper.

In case of delay in time by the goalkeeper, he is given a warning (in case of a repeated violation — removal).

In the event of a delay in the execution time of the out, the right of the out passes to the opponent.

To ensure a quick entry of the ball into the game, at least 6 baskets/stands with spare balls are installed around the entire perimeter of the field:

one each to the right and left of the goal and along the side lines

Time control is carried out by the judge-timekeeper

Method of kick-in

In their own half of the field — with their feet

On someone else’s half of the field — with their hands

Method of throwing the ball from the goal — with feet and hands

Number of judges — 4

Field Judge, Line Judges (2), Timekeeper Judge

Determining the winner of the match

The winner is determined in a series of 7 penalty shootouts

If during the regular time of the match one of the teams wins with a difference of 1 to 3 goals — it gets a handicap of +1 in the penalty shootout

With a difference of 4 to 5 goals — +2 handicap in the penalty shootout

With a difference of 6 goals — a handicap of +3 in a penalty shootout

If there is a difference of 7 or more goals, no penalty will be awarded.

In the event of an equal number of goals after the end of the series of 7 penalties, the series continues until one of the teams gains an advantage (until the first miss).

If there is a difference of 7 or more goals in the playing time, the winning team is declared the winner

Penalty execution rules

Penalty shot from a distance of 8 m

The first penalty kick in the series is taken by the who were on the field at the time of the end of the match

The winning team has the right to choose the order of the penalty kick

In case of a draw in the game, the right to take the penalty is determined by the drawing of lots

Keeperball field
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